Page through our Research Funding section to learn more about our Internal and External Funding, Grants, Awards and Honorary Appointments for postgraduate students and staff who are involved in research activities in the university. The internal funding and grant sources include the Doctoral Grant, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Competitive Grant, Grant for Research Development Equipment, University Book Prize, Vice-Chancellor’s Award, the appointment of Senior Research Associates and Honorary Research Fellows; and the external being grants from the National Research Foundation, Medical Research Foundation, and SANPAD, among others.
Browse our Research Output section to learn more about the different categories of publications, how they are rewarded by the University and DoHET, and the different formats in which they are required to be submitted.
The Research Ethics division has three sub-sections: the Animal Ethics, Biomedical Research Ethics, and Human Social Science Ethics. Each sub-page provides an overview of the relevant ethics section, as well as guideline documents, application forms, renewals, and related policies.
We hope you will find the new site easier to navigate and interact with.
The Research Office Team